BESTIES is a one off, Limited Edition Collection of 10 animated BEST FRIENDS!
Born out of Friendship, and Created for those individuals that we find exciting and inspirational!!
Utility Details Below!
Second in the Series - The CowFather- Auction Starts Thursday the 11th!!

Last Auction
Each week a new BESTIES NFT Will be revealed Just Before the Auction Starts, and these all come with their own set of unique features!
- Exclusive Merchandise only available to BESTIES Owners
- Airdrop of a BEST FRIENDS Epic NFT so your BESTIE isn't lonely!
- The chance to have it framed & Sent to your doorstep!
- A portion of Sale Proceeds from each consecutive Bestie will be split among the Early Birds!
- Owner of BESTIE #1 will be paid out 9 cuts, BESTIE #2 will see 8 cuts, BESTIE #3 7 cuts and so on
.- First Access to our Solana Mobile Game Tests and Exclusive items!
- Exclusive Roles in our Discord which hold their own values!!
- VR Hangouts and so much more, come see what we are about!!ART REVEAL SOON!!